Friday, May 30, 2014

Thank You For Stopping By!!


I grew up among a bunch of foodies and started cooking at a very young age. My love of all kinds of food and the creation of dishes grew as I got older and especially through preparing meals for a large family. Whether it be French, Thai, Mexican, Indian or anything else in between, I love trying new recipes and creating my own dishes. Some are winners some are losers and have led to quite an impressive spice collection! Having spent most of my life in Arizona I moved to the Bay Area and have ate and drank my way around many of the cities and wine country but I haven't even scratched the surface! One thing I embraced along the way was eliminating processed food from our home. It didn't happen all at once and will always be a work in progress. Buying and preparing whole foods is a fairly simple process yet organic ingredients can be expensive. My purpose of this blog is to bridge that gap and teach others how to not only prepare whole natural foods but to be able to buy organic and do so on a budget. Having been a coupon queen for many years I have discovered ways to eliminate the extra expenses and still be able to buy ingredients that are healthy for my family of seven. I look forward to having a home one day here soon so that I can garden but for not my patio herbs are just fine.
Join me won't you on my journey and please leave your comments and suggestions, I love to read them!